Sunday, 8 July 2012


After 48 days (43 active paddling), the Canadian Odyssey is now in its 4th Province! Resuming from Kenora, ON, on July 8 after the 3rd pit stop and over 1600 km paddled.  Spirits are exceptionally high as it is now headed into the Canadian Shield in the summer months - the “best part of the trip”.

Manitoba – Adapting to the unexpected.

After the unexpected arrival of Jan Madsen in The Pas, MB, the duo felt renewed, rejuvenated and ready to take on Manitoba. Unfortunately, however, the journey from The Pas through the end of the Saskatchewan River and Cedar Lake toward the North Basin of Lake Winnipeg was marred by terrible weather, including relentless storms and the threat of tornadoes. They lost two days to ‘never ending wind and rain’ before reaching the ‘big one’ Lake Winnipeg.

Given the imminent arrival of Michael’s next paddling partner Bob Salmond in Winnipeg on July 7, they simply did not have time to paddle both the North and South basin of Lake Winnipeg and were forced to choose one or the other. They chose South and shuttled themselves down to Hecla Provincial Park. Both the weather and geography took a turn for the better. They paddled the entire South Basin into the Winnipeg River and across the Ontario border into Kenora before Jan said goodbye and Michael met with Bob Salmond in Winnipeg.

The difference a friend makes

“For many, many, many reasons it was great.”

1)   First and foremost he is a good friend. His company is great regardless of the environment; nonetheless after a month of solitude. It was nice to talk to someone other than wildlife.
2)   There is safety in numbers (those of us following on SPOT can attest to the relief!).
3)   He is a great kayaker. They paddled through challenging territory – Lake Cedar was much more difficult than anticipated including having to navigate complicated lake crossings that were open to changing waters and winds. Jan was an enormous help with navigation and all things technical.
4)   Leadership and moral support. Michael, exhausted from 1.5 months in a kayak asked Jan to push him. He took the trip by the reigns, reminded Michael each day to go for the ‘wow’ factor – “this is a trip of a lifetime – go big or go home!” and provided an enormous spiritual boost.

Michael, the Hartley family and all of SHLF are sincerely grateful to Jan Madsen for his amazing gift!

Up next

July 8, Michael and new partner Bob Salmond put a canoe into Lake of the Woods in Kenora Ontario. The canoe is a significant – and hugely welcome- change from the kayak.  After 43 days of paddling up to 12 hour days, Michael is looking forward to changing muscle groups and to paddling with a partner.  A canoe further allows for increased storage and ‘much easier toilet conditions’.  This week’s Michaelism – “the title to my book will be “Don’t Pee in the Boat, Eh”.

Bob(s) Rieder and Rebagliati will pick up Michael’s kayak in Kenora on their way to meet him in Fort Frances, ON in one week’s time. They will continue through Voyageurs and Quetico Provincial Parks toward Thunder Bay where Michael will meet his next partner Bill Climie.

According to Michael – “this next phase will be the best of the trip. Summer conditions on the Canadian Shield with great company. Jan’s company gave me a huge boost, I feel well rested and excited about what is next.”

New Grandpa

In other news, Michael welcomed his first grandchild since the last stop. Daughter Aimee-Noel and husband Mpho welcomed baby girl Khaya Noxolo Chloe Mbiyozo on June 27.  Wife Mary Ann is with the new parents at their home in South Africa.

The family and Foundation also celebrated the life of Strachan Hartley on the 5 year anniversary of his passing on July 5, also Michael and Mary Ann’s 38th wedding anniversary.  As always, it is a difficult day for the family and serves as a reminder of how fast time goes and how we should make a point of cherishing every day.

Fundraising Update

To date, we have now raised just over $12,000 towards a goal of $50,000. Thank you to all who have donated!

Once again, we reiterate that 100% of all donations go to the youth we support through sports and education programs and we rely on your support and are deeply touched by each and every contribution. 

How to Donate:
1) Secure on-line donations: click here. **100% of all on-line donations receive tax receipts.
2) Send a cheque, payable to:
Tides Canada - Strachan Hartley Foundation
468 Arbutus Ave, Duncan, BC
V9L 5X6 
**Donations made by cash or cheque of $50 or more receive tax receipts.

Social Media

As before, Michael continues to update his daily progress on the SHLF website
This includes daily check-ins via his SPOT trackerphotos and media updates, and links to social media (Facebook and Twitter) which are being updated daily.
Thanks to all for their support! 

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